Spiritual Rants is a podcast to guide first-time Bible readers through
1) the most sensational portions of the Bible
2) the most important theological sections and
3) the most difficult passages in the Bible
This week's podcast are based on the One Year Readings for
Week 47 (Nov. 19-25)
Ezekiel 39:1-Daniel 2:23
James 2:18-1 Pet. 4:6
Ps. 118:1-119:80
Proverbs 28:2-14
Week 48 (Nov. 26-Dec. 2)
Daniel 2:24-11:1
1 Pet. 4:7-1 John 3:6
Ps. 119:80-121:8
Proverbs 28:15-28
Why Dan. 9:24-27 may be the most "mind-blowing" Scriptures in the entire Bible.
Is suffering irrelevant or irreverent?
The stories about My Shack, Your Shack, and a Bungalow.