Reading Through the Bible in a year, week 14
Week 14 (April 2-April 8)
Deut. 21:1-32:52
Luke 9:51-12:59
Ps. 74:1-78:64
Pr. 12:11-24
The centerpiece of the Old Testament, Deuteronomy 28
laws on captive women, virgins, and divorce
the third tithe, tithing in the New Testament
reiteration of the Sermon on the Mount in Luke 11-12
degrees of punishment in Hell
the unforgivable sin
persistence and importunity in prayer
end times
promotion in Ps. 75
the "idiot rule" in Ps. 77
Spiritual Rants: One thought from the One Year Bible readings for Week 13
(March 26-April 1)
Deut. 5:1-20:20
Luke 7:11-9:50
Ps. 68:19-73:28
Pr. 11:29-12:10
Reading Through the Bible in a year, week 13
Week 13 (March 19-25)
Deut. 5:1-20:20
Luke 7:11-9:50
Ps. 68:19-73:28
Pr. 11:29-12:10
Ten Commandments, are they applicable for today? What is True New Testament Spirituality? (Rom. 5-8)
True Forgiveness in Ps. 103:10-12
Penalty for False Prophets
Provision for ministers
Quotes from Ps. 69 in the Gospels
This week: Sanctuary Cities
Spiritual Rants: One thought from the One Year Bible readings for Week 12 (March 19-25)
Num. 28:16-Deut. 4:49
Luke 3:23- 7:10
Ps. 62:1-68:18
Proverbs. 11:18-28
Reading through Bible in a year, Week 12
March 19-25
Num. 28:16-Deut. 4:49; Luke 3:23- 7:10; Ps. 62:1-68:18; Pr. 11:18-28
Deuteronomy 6:4-5 calls us to worship God and love Him with our heart, soul, and might. (Deut. 4:24 implies that since God is Jealous for us and a "consuming fire.")
So how can we do that?
How about being Christocentric, in other words, "live as if Christ died yesterday, rose today, and is coming back tomorrow"? Cf. 1 Thess. 4:15, live as if the Rapture is occurring later today!
The Luke reading contains a miniature version of the Sermon on the Mount in Matt. 5-7. Unique is the verse commanding us to "Give, running over . . ." in Luke 6:38.
Ps. 64 is interesting, "Boomerang Slang," a lament psalm.
Proverbs 11:18 "If You Wanna Be Happy," by Jimmy Soul, "get an ugly woman to marry you . . ."
This week: Good Vs. Good, Part Deux
Spiritual Rants: One thought from the One Year Bible readings for Week 11
This week's podcast is based on the One Year Readings for Week 11 (March 12-18)
Num. 16:41-28:15
Mark 16:1-Luke 3:2
Ps. 55:1-61:8
Proverbs 11:7-17
Week 11 (March 12-18)
Num. 19:1-29:40; Luke 1- 3:38; Ps. 56:1-62:12; Pr. 11:8-19
Moses forbidden to go into Promised Land
Miriam, Aaron dies
Angel of the Lord appears again . . . and again
burning asps
red heifer
Women's rights
why is the genealogy in Luke different than in Matthew?
Charles Stanley's favorite Scripture
God is for you
whiney psalms and one trust psalm (62)
This week: Good Vs. Good
This week's podcast is based on the One Year Readings for Week 10
(Mar. 5—Mar. 11)
Numbers 4:1-16:40
Mark 12:18-15:47
Psalm 48:1-54:7
Proverbs 10:26-11:6
Miriam turns white.
Korah drops into a hole in the earth.
Men can test women for infidelity. Is that fair?
The leaders cense (sic) trouble jumping from the fire into the pan.
Moses prayed for everyone so they aren't offed.
More on end times from Mark.
Is Psalm 51 expresses David's remorse after sinning with Bathsheba.
Rebellion vs. relationship
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Notes: The verse I quote from Jeremiah is Jer. 31:29-30
I quote Num. 16:49, "But those who died by the plague were 14,700, besides those who died on account of Korah." Those were all people.
When I quote Num. 2:32 that the total of Jews were 603,550, that was only mean. It doesn't include the women and children so there could have been between 2 and 3 million total Jews.